Types of Asthma
Asthma can be categorized into different types or classifications based on various factors, including the underlying causes, triggers, and patterns of symptoms. Some common types of asthma include:
Allergic Asthma: This is the most common type of asthma, and it is triggered by allergens such as pollen, dust mites, pet dander, and mold. Allergic asthma tends to run in families and is often associated with other allergic conditions like hay fever or eczema.
Non-Allergic Asthma: Unlike allergic asthma, non-allergic asthma is not triggered by allergens. Instead, it is often linked to factors like respiratory infections, cold air, smoke, strong odors, or exercise.
Childhood Asthma: Asthma that begins in childhood and may persist into adulthood is known as childhood asthma. It often has allergic triggers and tends to improve or worsen as children grow.
Severe Asthma: Severe asthma, also called refractory asthma, is characterized by persistent and difficult-to-control symptoms despite the use of high-dose medications. It may require more aggressive treatment and close medical monitoring.
Cough-Variant Asthma: In this type of asthma, the primary symptom is a chronic, persistent cough rather than the more typical wheezing or shortness of breath. The cough may worsen at night or with exposure to triggers.